The Love Agenda/My Hero's Journey/In The Beginning... Collective Revolution

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

In The Beginning... Collective Revolution

The intention behind me sitting down today and communicating through written word is to remind you that it is okay for you to have faith in yourself. It is okay for your to say yes to your dreams, goals, desires, aspirations. And most importantly, you deserve to achieve what you desire to achieve. The problem in the beginning phase of this journey of spiritual transformation is that many of us go through this process feeling like we are utterly alone. At least that was my experience.

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We all start from somewhere.

Build your Dream. launch your brand. change the world.

There is an inherent truth that has
been told in stories more ancient
then any part of our current civilization.
And that is..
of an ancient power,
within the
heart of every human,
full of potential, full of aspiration,
full of compassion, ready to be
awakened. The choice is now
yours... awaken or stay asleep.

My Hero's journey

In The Beginning...

The intention behind me sitting down today and communicating through written word is to remind you that it is okay for you to have faith in yourself. It is okay for your to say yes to your dreams, goals, desires, aspirations. And most importantly, you deserve to achieve what you desire to achieve.

The problem in the beginning phase of this journey of spiritual transformation is that many of us go through this process feeling like we are utterly alone. At least that was my experience. 

I became quite familiar with the knots of despair and anxiety messing with my energetic circulation. The burden of carrying the weight of the world is one in which we cannot escape from if we are to acknowledge the present state of earthly affairs. 

To look to the external in this day and age oftentimes feels like we are looking into a portal to the flaming pit of hell. Religion told us hell was a place we go to after we die. But I believe the true "hell," is here with us on this planet. We all have the gift of free will which allows for us to choose the state of being in which we desire to experience. Again, the issue here is that many of us were never taught that it was okay for us to pursue what Heaven feels like to us.

Today, I want to invite you to bring this concept, of you actually being worthy and deserving to experience a blissful, fulfilling state both internally and externally, into your conscious awareness and imaginative brain... because this, my friend, is your birth right.

The most powerful force on the face of the planet is the power of unconditional love. We step into an ability to heal our own suffering as we choose to hold ourselves in the eyes of compassionate understanding. And when we finally say yes to our Hero's Journey, to be of assistance to others admist the collective, we step into our ability to now transform the suffering of our friends, our neighbors, our partners, parents, siblings, clients, etc. The healing of this planet comes as we choose to heal ourselves.

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But to heal thyself, this requires us to come face to face with our own pain and suffering which can be a painful pill to swallow. After all, they say ignorance is bliss... until it isn't.

We as a species are facing one of the greatest transformations this planet has ever seen. I'm even going to go as far as to say, we as humanity are on the center stage of the galactic federation of inter-dimensional beings. We as a species, are about to wake up to the fact that we are not the only form of conscious life in our solar system. We are about to reclaim our intergalactic heritage. 

The only way this is possible, is for us to unite as a species. The only way we will ever be able to unite is through recognizing who the real enemy is and that we have never really been alone, just disconnected from the inherent nature of reality... interconnectedness.

You see, everywhere we turn, we have things, billboards, commercials, media, subconsciously influencing hatred, anger, violence, and greed. We are being caged into a pin that only allows for collective suffering... which happens when we separate from each other.

The truest and realest act of rebellion against this broken system, is by recognizing the interconnectedness of all of humanity. Noticing how humans are connected to the earth and to every living being on this planet and beyond. 

To unite as a species is to first love ourselves so much, that we are able to selflessly serve. This is what we, light-workers are being called to do.

The power of unity has no bounds. If you are ready, I invite you to join me and our other wonderful community members in awakening to the power of our heart and establishing a daily heart coherence meditation practice. And from here, you shall notice your manifestation powers gaining in strength and your ability to make true lasting impact, heightening.

The power is within YOU.


Weekly Affirmation

"I am ready to embark upon this path of awakened loving compassion. Today, I am committing to loving myself no matter what I do or do not do. I allow myself to recognize the inherent interconnectedness of all of life and vow to honor, protect, and hold sacred all walks of life. Today, I am embodying the love, joy, gratitude, and compassion, within my beautiful, beating heart."

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Monday, January 09, 2023

The Phenomena of Choice